

What We Want

Last week, I did an exercise where I wrote “What do you want?” at the top of a page. My brain-dumped list of answers turned into a personal article, which is now posted on Medium (in case you’d like to read about my vision for the world, as we now know it).

I found this little exercise both revealing and cathartic. Especially in the professional world, but really in either personal or professional life, it is so easy to get caught up in day-to-day metrics: P&L details, annual growth goals, compet…

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Go Where You Are Wanted

Last week, I had the pleasure of trying to invest energy back into a relationship that had gone through a rough patch last year. Prior to the rough patch, the relationship meant a lot to me, so I went into the conversation with an open heart. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and hopeful. Unfortunately, not only did it not go well. I am pretty sure the childish reaction I received in response to my efforts means we’ve moved well beyond the past, to a point where we may no longer have a chance at…

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Puppy Mindset Lessons

I have a new puppy. Until today, the only things he has really known in his young life have been our home and our family. For everything outside of that, his instinct thus far has been to fear and bark. But today, it was time to introduce him to a little more of the world. 

At first, he was nervous, fearing everything new, barking and growling at strangers. But once he settled into the new environment and began to relax, he started experiencing positive interactions with those around him, receivi…

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Writings from my 11-Year-Old Self

While doing some organizing this weekend, I found an old journal from my childhood. Inside were entries ranging from second grade all the way up to middle school. Towards the end of the journal, I noticed two pages sticking out. As I read them aloud, I was astonished at the words I found. 

Scribbled at the top of the first of the two loose pages was a line that read, “Quotes and Inspirations from Stephen King’s The Eyes of Insanity.” 

Beneath, I had written, “Do other people know more about you th…

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I Cannot Be an Entrepreneur

“My position was cut on Friday. Now, I am not sure what I want to do. I feel like I could finally do my own thing, but at the same time, I am just not sure I’m cut out to be an entrepreneur.” 

This is a narrative I have heard over and over again in conversations with friends, peers, and clients. I always push back and ask, “Well, why not?”

After so many years, I think I’ve heard every answer. Most of them are largely untrue. Allow me to just bust up some of those myths right now. 

Here are the most…

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What You Need to Know About PPP

I’ve lost count of the number of emails I’ve received with “PPP” in the subject line. I’m not sure about you, but the constant promotion of the Paycheck Protection Program is beginning to wear on me, almost as much as the phrase “unprecedented times.” 

Don’t get me wrong: the idea behind the PPP program is awesome. But once June 30th rolls around, there are three P’s that we will still need to focus on. In fact, if we’re really serious about making an impact, we should already be focusing on thes…

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Who Is Your Yoda?

What questions do you think Luke asked Yoda about his life and path?

How do I know I’m on the right track?

Who should I turn to for advice and guidance?

How do I know I can trust them? 

How can I avoid kissing a sibling on the lips? 

How many of these questions have you asked yourself in your life? For most of us, the first several questions on that list are very familiar (but hopefully not the last one…).

Like Luke’s Yoda, many great stories have a person (or green creature) who serves as a guide. Th…

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Business Owners: Stop Saying This Now

I have been making a list of all the new COVID-19-related terms all over the media that drive me nuts:
  • “new normal”
  • “unprecedented times” 
  • “back to the way things were”
  • “managing during a conflict”
  • “pivoting your business through a crisis”
I’ll stop while I’m ahead; I am sure you have your own to add, which I would love to see in the comments. (I will soon be writing a book called ‘You Have a Lot Going on…” & Other Useless Phrases Humans Use. I will undoubtedly include the above phra…

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Are Your Tools Helping or Hurting You?

I’ve been riding horses for over three decades. (This will come as no surprise to you if you have read some of my previous blogs or have attended or considered our professional development retreats). 

Even after so many years of riding, I still take regular riding lessons. Most of the time, the lesson is simply a reminder of what I already know. But sometimes, I still need direction and insight. This week, while I was out on a trail ride on my own, something felt horribly off. I just couldn’t get…

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Alexa, You Are Ruining My Life

Does Alexa live at your house? If so, you’re probably talking to her more than you think. For most of us that have this relatively new piece of artificial intelligence in our households, at least one out of our first three conversations every single day are with Alexa. 

That’s kind of scary. But there’s no doubt Alex’s AI makes life simpler in a lot of ways, so maybe it’s worth it. However, Alexa also provides a never-ending stream of connectivity and, therefore, possible distraction.

For example,…

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