
mindset and intention

Freedom Isn't Universal: An Army Wife's Perspective

baby vyc

“What do you mean you don’t celebrate the Fourth of July!?” 

At the time this astonished reaction came out of my mouth, I was working on a highly diverse stunt team that included people from Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Canada, and several other countries. About six of us were American. In honor of the holiday, we’d decided to have a barbeque. 

As everyone was enjoying their grilled yummies, I turned to my Australian friend and asked him what he normally did at home f…

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Miscarriages and Entrepreneurship


If you have been around for a minute, you know this already… but just in case, I have a confession to make: I am a little competitive. 

Okay, maybe more than a little. 

It’s just that when I commit to something, I like to make sure I am absolutely, positively, 100% IN. That means… 

🥎 If it is a game, I’ll do everything I can to make sure my team wins.

💻 If it’s a course, I ensure it actually delivers results (and is never half @$$ed).

🎞 If it’s my Youtube channel, that my content always b…

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Amazon Versus eBay


On December 31st, so many people said, “Goodbye, 2020!” with huge sighs of relief. It was as if somehow they anticipated the ball dropping would change everything.

Of course, not much actually changed in that moment other than the date on the calendar. (If only change were that easy!) And no surprise, because real change requires much more than a hope, a wish, or a sparkly ball dropping at the end of a year. 

True change requires reevaluating your mindset.

For example, we live in a world wher…

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Three Unexpected Steps to Breaking Your Phone Addiction


The very phone that you are reading this article on may be the source of your depression or anxiety. For your kids, having a phone may mean they're experiencing greater isolation and that they’re at higher risk for suicide.    I learned these fun facts from the film The Social Dilemma. In a related post, I talked about my take-aways, as a business therapist, after watching it. But if you’ve read any of my other blogs, you know I’m a humxn of action. So just talking about it wasn’t enough.  If yo…

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The Social Dilemma: Uninstalling Social Addiction


So, I literally just finished watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix. In case you haven’t seen it, it’s a film with some of the biggest names from social media stepping forward to share how social media is literally monetizing our attention. I’m not going to give you too many spoilers or fully recap the film here; I encourage you to watch it for yourself (yes, it’s good enough to be worth your time).

Now, most of you know me as a business therapist. Some of you also know that I actually am …

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"You're Only as Good as Your Last Delivery: How My Grandfather's Slogan Shaped My Life


Fifty years ago, my grandfather started a trucking company. As a successful entrepreneur and business owner, he liked to impart great words of wisdom to his offspring. His favorite phrase was, “You are only as good as your last delivery,” and he reminded us of it frequently. Of course, when you’re five, advice like that means absolutely nothing. 

Fortunately, though, he said it often enough for me to remember it. And I’m glad I do. Now that I am slightly older than five, I have come to apprecia…

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Why I Ran Away From Home as an Adult


A few weeks ago, my family, who historically makes my birthday feel incredibly special, asked me what I wanted this year. I thought about it for a while, then I told them the truth. Though they were shocked and probably a little hurt by my response, I shared with them that what I really, truly wanted more than anything was a week without them. A week to myself. A week to be responsible for no one and nothing.

Now, as the self-proclaimed queen of self-care, I am well aware I already have far mor…

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Is Election Stress Stressing Your Team?


It is almost impossible to avoid the barrage of politically-driven messages and ads right now. Every time you turn on the TV, the radio (what is that?), or pop open a new YouTube video, you see them. Even social media platforms are prioritizing reminders to register and vote.    Let me be clear: I think voting is an incredible privilege. To even have this freedom to exercise is tremendous, and we should absolutely take advantage of it. However, constant information overload during election time …

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Decrease Anxiety with this Simple Trick


With our work and home lives literally colliding under one roof, anxiety and overwhelm can set in pretty quickly.  Last night, that happened in my own life. So today, I am going to share with you something from my personal IG account:

The good news is that decreasing your anxiety, whether you have PTSD or are just experiencing job or family-related stress, can be simple. Not easy, but simple.  One of the quickest and most effective tactics is to actually stop doing one, specific thing. Tha…

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How to Get Ahead and Actually Work Less


This weekend, I posted a video on Instagram explaining why I was working on a Saturday.

It was not because I had to. 

It was not because I had a million things on my to-do list. 

It was for two reasons and two reasons only:

  1. I felt inspired.
  2. I wanted to.

I have heard so many entrepreneur stories about how to make it to the top you have to put in more work than the other guys and sacrifice everything in order to make it. That may work for some, but for me, with two young kids at home, pl…

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