
business owner FAQs

Go Where You Are Wanted

Last week, I had the pleasure of trying to invest energy back into a relationship that had gone through a rough patch last year. Prior to the rough patch, the relationship meant a lot to me, so I went into the conversation with an open heart. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and hopeful. Unfortunately, not only did it not go well. I am pretty sure the childish reaction I received in response to my efforts means we’ve moved well beyond the past, to a point where we may no longer have a chance at…

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I Cannot Be an Entrepreneur

“My position was cut on Friday. Now, I am not sure what I want to do. I feel like I could finally do my own thing, but at the same time, I am just not sure I’m cut out to be an entrepreneur.” 

This is a narrative I have heard over and over again in conversations with friends, peers, and clients. I always push back and ask, “Well, why not?”

After so many years, I think I’ve heard every answer. Most of them are largely untrue. Allow me to just bust up some of those myths right now. 

Here are the most…

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I Am Not Too Busy

NOTE: I started writing this blog in February 2020. It is now April 2020, and so much has changed… but even though I am now sheltering in place away from my office and my team, the message still rings true. So I decided to finish it. Here’s how my “business” got me in trouble.

While reading this article on body language, I found myself stuck on a particular sentence, reading it over and over again:

If I’m always rushing in and out of the office, talking on the phone or checking email, my team memb…

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Want More Energy? Start Set Boundaries

It was 9 AM on Christmas morning when my phone rang. It was my old boss. I knew she had been struggling with her team as well as financially and had been working overtime. Today, Christmas Day, she could not access the computer system at the office. So she called me.

She called me because: 
  1. I have a tiny bit of computer savviness (not the real reason she called), and 
  2. I had always answered her calls and, as soon as I understood there was an issue, had always attempted to find and implement a…

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Just Do It? Sort of

I recently had a client tell me, “I finally listened to you and stopped my cycle of researching and planning. I just did what we had been talking about. Guess what!? It worked!”

Are you a researcher or a planner like my client? I confess I am a total and complete planner. My mother-in-law jokes about me being our family’s cruise director because I always have a plan and itinerary for everything. I simply like to be prepared.

But over the years, I’ve learned even the most perfect plan will likely n…

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What is Burnout?


Burnout is when your tank is completely empty. In more clinical terms, it’s when you are experiencing a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.  You may have heard someone say “I am totally burned out!” Or you may have experienced this state of being yourself. Sometimes individuals blame it on their jobs, their families, or something else.  The interesting thing about burnout, though, is that only you can control your emotional, mental, and p…

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[LIVE ALERT] Podcast: Get A Grip On Life Interviews Our Very Own, Bunny Young!

[LIVE ALERT] Podcast: Get A Grip On Life Interviews Our Very Own, Bunny Young!

Bunny Young followed her fiancee to China, became a stuntwoman, has worked as a therapist, is now a coach, and has become an advocate for service animals.

Her conversation with Michael weaves around mental health, the difference between simple self-care and regular self-full practices, committing to others re…

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It Doesn't Hurt to Ask.

After careful strategizing and planning, my business partner (for Coaches HQ) and I ran into a brick wall. For six weeks we tossed around ideas, interviewed candidates, and tried to stay positive while we wracked our brains to find a way forward. 

While we tried to work through the roadblock, I also happened to have a call with a connection of mine currently volunteering for Pawssible. During our conversation, I mentioned that one of our other volunteers, Sam, was donating his digital marketing s…

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Five Fantastic Lessons I Learned from Business Failure.

Very recently, a business of mine failed, just 1 month after the grand opening. I wish I could tell you this was a first for me, but it wasn’t my first business failure. And I can almost promise you it will not be my last. Though there were business partners involved in this particular situation, I want to make it clear: I place no blame. Rather, I seek to take full responsibility for my own role and share what I learned, celebrating my lessons and growth. 

1.Core values must always come first.


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FAQ: Transformational Business Book Recommendations

7 Transformational Books Recommended by RVA Business Leaders
  1. Outside In by Harley Manning
  2. EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
  3. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
  4. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  5. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris
  6. The 3 Gaps by Hyrum W. Smith
  7. Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

transformational business book recommendations

Watch LIVE with Bunny for more!

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