

Freedom Isn't Universal: An Army Wife's Perspective

baby vyc

“What do you mean you don’t celebrate the Fourth of July!?” 

At the time this astonished reaction came out of my mouth, I was working on a highly diverse stunt team that included people from Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Canada, and several other countries. About six of us were American. In honor of the holiday, we’d decided to have a barbeque. 

As everyone was enjoying their grilled yummies, I turned to my Australian friend and asked him what he normally did at home f…

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Miscarriages and Entrepreneurship


If you have been around for a minute, you know this already… but just in case, I have a confession to make: I am a little competitive. 

Okay, maybe more than a little. 

It’s just that when I commit to something, I like to make sure I am absolutely, positively, 100% IN. That means… 

🥎 If it is a game, I’ll do everything I can to make sure my team wins.

💻 If it’s a course, I ensure it actually delivers results (and is never half @$$ed).

🎞 If it’s my Youtube channel, that my content always b…

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Vuja De

You’ve heard of deja vu… but what about vuja de?

This is a concept I’d heard of previously that resurfaced while reading Adam Grant’s Originals, where he writes:
“The starting point [of originality] is curiosity: pondering why the default exists in the first place. We’re driven to question defaults when we experience vuja de, the opposite of déjà vu. Déjà vu occurs when we encounter something new, but it feels as if we’ve seen it before. Vuja de is the reverse -  we face something familiar, but w…

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